Proyek Adicita 2022

From Creative Commons Indonesia
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Wikimedia Alliances Fund 2022 merupakan proyek Creative Commons Indonesia yang didukung oleh Wikimedia Foundation mulai tanggal 1 Juli 2022 – 30 Juni 2023.

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Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengambil beberapa langkah menuju sistem pembelajaran terbuka & memanfaatkan OER. Sebagaimana tercantum dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi, Pasal 70 ayat 4, “Pemerintah mengembangkan sumber daya pendidikan terbuka yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh seluruh civitas akademika”. Ada banyak inisiatif OER yang telah diluncurkan di Indonesia sejak tahun 2013, seperti Garda Rujukan Digital, RumahBelajar, TV Edukasi, & Suara Edukasi. Berdasarkan data OER World Map, beberapa universitas di Indonesia juga telah membuat portal OER sendiri (misalnya Universitas Terbuka, Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Syiah Kuala). Namun, studi tentang OER di Indonesia telah menyoroti tantangan penerapannya di sini, dengan adanya konsepsi hak cipta yang tidak lengkap, masalah lisensi terbuka, kurangnya kesadaran akan konsep OER, kesalahanpahaman tentang pembelajaran terbuka, serta adopsi OER yang kurang baik di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi Indonesia.

Sejak tahun 2012, Creative Commons Indonesia (CCID) telah berupaya mengatasi permasalahan ini melalui kegiatan edukasi pada masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya tenaga pendidik, tentang penggunaan OER. Lisensi CC merupakan lisensi terbuka yang paling umum digunakan dalam OER. Sayangnya, pemahaman mengenai OER ini masih sangat terbatas, bahkan banyak terjadi kesalahpahaman di kalangan pendidik dan siswa Indonesia tentang hak cipta dan lisensi terbuka, yang merupakan dasar dari OER. Proyek terbaru yang telah kami usung ini merupakan CCID OER Bootcamp, atau kelas pelatihan pembuat konten OER yang dilakukan secara intensif untuk pendidik di Indonesia. Berdasarkan respon positif dari Bootcamp ini, kami bermaksud untuk dapat meningkatkan pelatihan ini dengan memproduksi materi sosialisasi OER, mengembangkan modul pelatihan OER, memberikan pelatihan bagi pelatih OER, serta mengundang lebih banyak pendidik dan mitra strategis untuk berpartisipasi dalam pelatihan penggunaan dan produksi OER untuk bahan ajar maupun pembelajaran.

In practice, OER & Wikimedia Projects such as Wikimedia Commons & Wikibooks are interconnected. Wikimedia projects, which are openly licensed with CC licenses, can be the source for developing OERs, while the produced content can be subsequently uploaded back into these projects. In particular, we aim to focus on Wikimedia Commons & Wikibooks.

The term, OER, is not popular among educators in Indonesia. Last year, CCID was invited by several government institutions to explain OER. The main problem encountered was the difficulty of finding & accessing education/communication materials specifically in Bahasa Indonesia. There is a dearth of booklets/guidance on OER, in general.

Other than the lack of promotion, a trainer is also needed when educators want to practice OER for the first time. However, the number of trainers who have sufficient knowledge of OER in Indonesia is currently very limited. In this program, we expect to raise the level of access to & awareness of Wikimedia projects by educators, increase the amount of content contributed to Wikibooks & Wikimedia Commons, as well as the quality thereof, & consequently strengthen the fostering & understanding of open licenses & OER.


Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, kami menjalankan tiga tahapan utama: (1) Pengembangan dan Dukungan Komunitas, (2) Pendidikan, (3) GLAM, dan (4) Peningkatan Konten.

First Stage: creating educational materials/booklets and modules that can be used as resources for OER trainers, OER training of participants, and growing the number of OER trainers. Key activities include:

1. Distributing 250 surveys to individuals working in agencies/higher education/libraries who’ve utilized/managed OER in the past. This survey should determine the level of public understanding of OER and highlight current OER misconceptions.

2. Preparing two booklets (OER in general and a practical guide on making/using OER) and an OER module for trainers, based on the results of Stage 1. The booklet and module will then be used by participants and trainers during the OER Training & other institutions in Indonesia.

3. Holding an open discussion with relevant stakeholders in producing the OER booklets, to ensure they can answer all the questions & misconceptions in the community based on the survey in Point 1.

Second Stage: socialization and promotion of OER to the public & relevant actors in the education sector (e.g., educators, lecturers, students, librarians, Ministry of Education officials). Key activities of this stage:

1. Four workshops and three webinars in collaboration with key stakeholder institutions (e.g., Ministry of Education, Open University, Wikimedia Indonesia, & universities). In these events, we will promote our OER training.

2. Creating and promoting various communication media on OER; i.e., infographics, posters, and subtitles of OER videos based on the booklets in Stage 1, as well as existing OER videos in English. All of these media will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, as well as CCID & WMID social media.

Third Stage: fostering further growth of OER trainers and providing intensive OER training for educators. Key activities of this stage include:

1. Training of trainers and facilitators for the OER training.

2. Conducting OER training, building on the outcomes of the OER Bootcamp to implement this training. Around 40 strategic educators will be targeted as participants. The output of this training will be open textbooks and other forms of OER, which will be uploaded to Wikibooks and Wikimedia Commons.

3. Showcasing participants’ OERs, further promoting OER to a greater number of people.

4. Inviting the best three participants to hold a workshop on OER.

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